Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay We Should NOT Increase the Minimum Wage - 1754 Words
I could be easily replaced by someone tomorrow for less money.†What a sober statement, one you do not hear everyday. I heard this statement from a co-worker, he has been with the grocery store twenty plus years. His remark caused me to formulate many questions on the ethics of business. Like how the decisions businessmen make affect the average workers ability to support themselves. How do we make a living? Through working,but is that work enjoyable for us? Many of us have thought about what our purpose is in working. Should it be mainly focused on providing the basic necessities for our families? Or should we trade off enjoying our job to bet better able to support our family? We all want to provide our families a decent standard of†¦show more content†¦Which would raise it six dollars and twenty five cents. Which amounts to fifteen dollars an hour, which would equate for a full time worker to thirty one thousand dollars a year. A proponent of the minimum wage inc rease is Thomas Perez, who said â€Å"Workers are feeling like they have nothing left to lose†He works as an analyst for the National Employment Law Project, which aims at helping the working class of people. It ends by talking about Obama and his goal of raising the minimum wage to nine dollars an hour, as well as have it follow the consumer index so it would raise periodically Conversely in Arthur Brooks article he stipulates that President Obama neglects the poor. He reasons this by formulating research which he gives that says our current President only talks about the poor class on fourth of the time, while others such as former President Ronald Reagan talked about the poor in his speeches two thirds of the time. Looking at both these articles gives the notion that our President has agreed with raising the minimum wage. Although according to Brooks article he hasnt talked nearly as much about the poor class as other Presidents. 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